Four floor plan distribution drawing details of Bassel hospital dwg file

Four floor plan distribution drawing details of Bassel hospital dwg file

File description

Four floor plan distribution drawing details of Bassel hospital that includes a detailed view of reception area and waiting area with consultant room details specialized departments, operation theater and cleaning departments details pharmacy stores, special and general ward, with specimen collection and emergency laboratory, waiting rooms and x-ray room details provided with rest area and emergency laboratory, sanitary facilities details and culture media and much more of hospital plan.


Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

(1/1) ErrorException

fwrite(): write of 1630 bytes failed with errno=28 No space left on device

in StreamHandler.php line 133
at HandleExceptions->handleError()
at fwrite()in StreamHandler.php line 133
at StreamHandler->streamWrite()in StreamHandler.php line 119
at StreamHandler->write()in AbstractProcessingHandler.php line 39
at AbstractProcessingHandler->handle()in Logger.php line 344
at Logger->addRecord()in Logger.php line 712
at Logger->error()in Writer.php line 203
at Writer->writeLog()in Writer.php line 114
at Writer->error()in Handler.php line 71
at Handler->report()in Handler.php line 35
at Handler->report()in HandleExceptions.php line 81
at HandleExceptions->handleException()